by Ed
Spanish version January 30,
2008 from ExopoliticsBlogSpot
There has
been quite a bit of debate recently within the UFO/ET community as a whole
and exopolitics in particular about cooperation with mainstream media's
seemingly orchestrated UFO/ET disclosure process. Some folks believe that
they need to tone down the extraterrestrial angle so as to play into the
mainstream media's disclosure or propaganda operation as an initial first
step toward public recognition of exopolitical realities.
folks believe collaboration with mainstream media is similar to
collaboration with an occupying power and that collaboration only
strengthens the occupier's position and weakens the resistance to
occupation. I am reminded of the struggle during World War Two in occupied
France between the Resistance and Nazi collaborators. Some of the French
people decided to collaborate with the Nazis and accepted occupation as a
reality that was there to stay and decided to cooperate so as to ease
their suffering under occupation. Other French people argued against his
and created the resistance that eventually helped free their country from
the tyranny of the Nazi occupation.
Over the past several months
there seems to have been a shift in tactics by the mainstream news and entertainment
propagandists in regards to UFO/ET realities promoting a more
open acceptance that UFOs are indeed real and that what they really are is
This would
represent a change of propaganda policy instituted at the highest levels
of government and supported by the special interests that control
government and who own most of the mainstream media. These new
developments encourage more people in our field to seek to cooperate with
those that maintain the UFO/ET cover-up in the hope that this is a first
step toward full eventual disclosure.
The apparent shift of tactics
by the propaganda press from flat out denial and ridicule to a more benign
acceptance of UFOs is sure to continue and expand the debate between those
that favor collaboration and those that favor resistance. It is certainly
a step in the right direction that much of the mainstream media seems to
be cutting back on the use of depreciating words and phrases like, UFO
buffs, believers, crackpots, amateurs, conspiracy theorists, lack of
evidence, lack of credentials etc. we should not let our guard down. The
propaganda game may only be moving from denial to spin where the occupiers
continue to remain in the driver's seat gaining strength as more
collaborators hop on board.
Many of the public are now becoming
aware and understand that entrenched special interests have gained secret
control over global governments, mainstream media and finance. This secret
elitist control could be rightly called an occupying power. Even more
disturbing yet much harder for the general public to understand are the
many reports now coming to light of secret extraterrestrial alliances and
treaties between these various very secretive and deceptive elitist
It would appear
that secret alliances have been made not with just one ET race but with
several different races of a similar predatory mindset as the
entrenched interests that govern earth in secret and behind closed doors.
This should come as no surprise as it seems to be a universal law that
like attracts like. Such an alleged alliance between ET predatory
special interests and earth human predatory special interests could be the
driving force behind the covert implementation of a sophisticated global
Orwellian world order.
So if the above is indeed true then we
could say that we are experiencing a secret covert gradual occupation
and takeover by as yet unknown extraterrestrial powers aided and
abetted by our own home grown elitists. If this is true this would
certainly be high treason of the most serious and dangerous kind putting
all of humanity at risk of enslavement and eventual overt
Many would wonder how can we to fight against this kind
of sophisticated very advanced psychological and technological attack.
Fortunately there is hope because the universe seems to be a very diverse
place where evolutionary processes of competition and cooperation play out
in many diverse ways just as here on earth. I have taken it upon myself to
identify and focus on those extraterrestrial races that favor
cooperation over competition and predation. I am well
aware of the predatory ET races and their treasonous global entrenched
autocratic allies. However I feel hope and salvation from such an
enveloping dark future lies with the more cooperative and ethical races
particularly the celestial humans in which we seem to have much in
The best that I can tell is that some of the celestial
humans, the same as recorded in ancient religious texts in both the
east and in the west, are not party to and do not cooperate in the covert
enslavement of humanity. Perhaps religious people may be the first to
catch on to the overall state of affairs because sacred texts like the
bible outline the struggle between cosmic intelligences of both
predatory and cooperative nature.
In the end
times the struggle comes to a head with the predatory both exposed and
The problem is that the bible was written thousands of
years ago and extraterrestrial reality was perceived in a more primitive
way than in our modern enlightened scientific time. The bible seems to
have gotten it right but now needs to be updated and brought into
alignment with modern scientific discoveries. What was known in the past
as the heavenly host can be more accurately described as the
extraterrestrials of modern times. Just as in the past, the struggle between cooperative ET
species and predatory ET species continues as to the fate of
earth and its humanity continues to remain in the balance.
We each
have to make our individual decisions as to cooperate or resist the
enveloping Orwellian occupation.
In order to do
that we need to understand the environment in which we are operating and
choose accordingly. It's a fine line between cooperating in a public
disclosure process being orchestrated by an occupying power and not having
our actions strengthen that covert occupying power. As UFO/ET disclosure
and its spin progresses we all have to continuously monitor the situation
and adjust our actions accordingly.
The last thing
we want to do as the collaborators in France did, is strengthen the